Lessons that make a difference! Amelie (KS3)

The Eternal Question

Since time immemorial, we as human beings have pondered our place in the universe. From ancient aboriginal cave paintings, to the post-modern world, one question remains constant:

Does God Exist? 

This is a question that everyone has a view on – Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Humanists, agnostics and not forgetting atheists.

The debate continues to rage today. With every scientific breakthrough, the likes of Richard Dawkins grow in their confidence, believing that there is nothing more than particles, atoms and empty nothingness.

Meanwhile, discoveries such as the ‘God particle’ thrusts the question back into the limelight.

This brings me to my most inspiring lessons in RE in Year 7 last year. Without a doubt, these were when we were studying arguments about the existence of God.  They were truly eye-opening!

We listened to a selection of RE Podcasts (https://www.therepodcast.co.uk/) in a unit called “Thinking Deeply” in which everyone in the classroom completed worksheets, were made to think, discuss in pairs and finally share opinions with the class for an all-inclusive debate and discussion. The podcast series was very exciting (everyone looked forward to it – periods 1 & 2 on a Wednesday morning!) and included views from every perspective that boggled our minds, and sparked new questions in our classroom.

It felt – and continues to feel – amazing to be surrounded by so many intelligent students and teachers that constantly provide a comfortable environment for us.

A fellow student said with enthusiasm, “I enjoyed everyone getting included in this discussion, and sharing their viewpoints, healthy debating skills and involving others’ opinions.”

Another commented, “I loved the debating and the fact that everyone in the classroom felt comfortable to speak, knowing everyone would listen and show respect.” I felt the classroom was a safe environment to share my views, and listen and respect others.

Some may consider ‘The Eternal Question’ futile, as none of us shall know for certain until his or her last breath. But instead of fighting, warring over who is right and wrong, who has the key to heaven or the depths below, or whether God exists at all, we should work together for the maximum good for all!