Thoughts on the RE Commission’s recommendations regarding CPD and networking (Recommendation 7)

I’m going to start by stating that I think the RE community has done an amazing job with providing accessible CPD which is free to all through local groups. I think this is something we should be really proud of and thankful for all those who lead, inspire and contribute to local groups / hubs / teachmeets throughout the country. Whether the CPD has been provided by SACRE, LTLRE, NATRE, Higher Education, members of AREIAC or other organisations, many leaders do this above and beyond their daily work. We are a highly motivated, dedicated and passionate bunch of professionals who give freely of our own time.

Ahhh, now there we have it! Free CPD is out there if we do it in our own time. (Well, free to us – someone pays for it, often a charity – where is the government?!) In doing so we are likely to be reaching only those who have a keen interest in RE but probably not those in a primary school who also have responsibilities for other curriculum areas and agendas, where RE may not be a school priority. As such how is quality CPD happening in schools where the lead isn’t so enthusiastic, is it just listed as a one staff meeting a year to discuss the long term plan?

As a county adviser and national ambassador, I am often asked to lead staff meetings and delighted to do so. Many ask for CPD on subject knowledge as they recognise gaps in own understanding or for help with assessment. I also like to share practical ideas on how they can engage and enthuse pupils in RE. We all like to have something to take away which we can adapt to use in class. I often think back in my planning to where that idea originated from, often from a session I was fortunate to attend. Over the years I can see how I have “magpied” ideas from Jane Brooke on teaching Christianity, Julia Diamond-Conway on Judaism, Neil McKain on digital technology and Sushma Sahajpal with her insight on Hinduism. I have had so many wonderful opportunities. But where is the inspiration coming from for those schools who cannot fund CPD for RE because it is not a curriculum priority? With the impact of school budgets tightening, opportunities for CPD in many subject areas are being cut.

  • We need to get subject leaders involved with local networking but not overburden them
  • We need to develop local leadership so that others have the experience to share their pedagogy
  • We need to fund opportunities for networking locally and for bringing local leaders together to provide them with quality CPD. (An excellent example of which is the LTLRE structure which has recognised the need to bring local leaders together so they are not just working in isolation.)

The Report requests funding for CPD and networking opportunities. Long term funding is needed to bring all the pieces of the jigsaw together. Those who give freely of their time should be supported and have people they can turn to for advice and there should be opportunity for group leaders to meet together for their own CPD. These roles and opportunities should be funded and sustained. The Regional Ambassadors are all beginning their work this term for which they are funded a day a month. It’s a small drop in the ocean but it is a start as it allows local group leaders to have someone they can contact for a range of support. The Ambassadors will also be establishing local groups where there is currently no local provision, raising opportunities for RE teachers to network. Part of my role as the National Ambassador is to be a national voice for the networks working closely with Juliet Lyal as NATRE’s Local Group Officer.

The recommendation for face to face CPD including local networks is one which we are already well on the way to providing, and within time hopefully we will make Juliet Lyal’s vision of “a local group within 30 minutes’ drive” a reality. There is lots of work to be done and it is dependent on funding. Given the government’s long term neglect of RE, it is high time that our commitment in helping ourselves was matched by a government commitment to double the investment, or more.

In the meantime I would like to hear from you if you are in an area of need with little or no CPD support or if you are ready to facilitate a local group with the support of others. It’s not ideal attending CPD beyond your timetable but if that is where our passions lie then I know we will be keen to ignite this passion in others. Oh and don’t forget the chocolate cake!

You can contact Naomi on or through twitter @naomianstice


Naomi is an Assistant Head Teacher at Frodsham Manor House Primary School where she delivers RE to all classes. She is the Primary Vice Chair of NATRE, an REQM Assessor and Cheshire West RE Adviser.

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