
One volume introductions to Hinduism – beginners

Knott, K. 2016. Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction 2nd Edition. Oxford: OUP.

One volume introductions to Hinduism

Brockington, J.L. 1996/1981. The Sacred Thread: Hinduism in Its Continuity and Diversity. Edinburgh: EUP.

Fowler, J. 1997. Hinduism, Beliefs and Practices. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press.

Flood, G. 1996. An Introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge: CUP.

Frawley, D. 2018. What is Hinduism? A Guide for the Global Mind. New Delhi: Bloomsbury India.

Klostermaier, K.K. 2007. A Survey of Hinduism. 3rd Edition. New York: SUNY Press.

Mittal, S. & Thursby, G. (eds.). 2007. Studying Hinduism: Key Concepts and Methods. London: Routledge.

Rodrigues, H. 2006. Introducing Hinduism. New York and London: Routledge.

Sweetman, W. 2011. Hinduism: An Introduction. London and New York: I.B. Taurus.


Cush D., Robinson C., and York M., (eds.) 2008 hb/2010 pb. Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Flood, G. 2003 hb/2005 pb. The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Frazier, J. (ed.). 2014. The Bloomsbury Companion to Hindu Studies. London and New York: Bloomsbury.

Mittal, S. & Thursby, G. (eds.). 2004. hb/2007pb. The Hindu World. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Mittal, S. and Thursby, G. (eds).2007. Studying Hinduism: Key Concepts and Methods. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Hindu philosophy – beginners

Hamilton, S. 2001. Indian Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: OUP.

One volume introduction to Hindu and Indian philosophy

Bartley, S. 2015. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy: Hindu and Buddhist Ideas from Original Sources. London and New York: Bloomsbury.

Gupta, B. 2011. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy: Perspectives on Reality, Knowledge, and Freedom. Routledge.

Sacred Texts

Doniger, W. (trans.). 2004. Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook. London: Penguin Classics.

– (trans.). 2005. The Rig Veda. London: Penguin Classics.

Doniger, W. & Smith, B. (trans.). 1991. The Laws of Manu. London: Penguin Classics.

Johnson, W.J. (trans.). 2008. The Bhagavad Gita. Oxford: OUP.

Roebuck, V.J. (trans.) 2004. The Upanishads. London: Penguin Classics.

Arguments for teaching Hinduism in schools

Jackson, R. and Killingley, D. 1988. Approaches to Hinduism. London: John Murray. Robinson, C. 2019 ‘Hinduism and Religious Education’ in Wissenschaftlich Religionspädagogisches Lexikon im Internet (Dictionary of Academic Religious Education on the Internet) English version available at:

Other sources mentioned in this essay

CoRE (Commission on Religious Education). 2018. Final Report: Religion and Worldviews, the Way Forward: A national plan for RE. London: RE Council. Available at:

Jackson, R. 1998. ‘Hindu Festivals’. In P. Woodward with R. El-Droubie and C. Gould (eds.) Festivals in World Religions. Norwich: RMEP, pp.60-75.

Rasamandala Das. 2002. The Heart of Hinduism, a Comprehensive Guide for teachers and other professionals. Aldenham: ISKCON Educational Services.

Wintersgill, B. (ed.) 2017. Big Ideas for Religious Education. Exeter: University of Exeter. Also available from:

Wintersgill, B., with Cush, D. and Francis, D. 2019. Putting Big Ideas into Practice in Religious Education. Available from:

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