Stories of Faith

The stories of significance for Sikh faith are contained within the Guru Granth Sahib and the Janam Sakhis or ‘life stories’ of the Gurus. Without these texts there would be no record of what the Gurus had said or done. However, the Janam Sakhis are not scriptural. They are, therefore, interpreted within the framework of the Guru Granth Sahib.

At one level the Guru Granth Sahib contain the teachings of the One (revelation); at another it contains commentaries of the writings of other Gurus and mystics (spiritual dialogue); at another the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a mirror reflecting the Shabad which is the Divine-in-humanity. This Shabad is the Word spoken at the beginning of the world and which is the Jot or Light that lights all beings. It is the True Guru:

Among all is the Light – You are that Light. By this realisation, that Light is seen radiant within all. Through the Guru’s teachings, the Light shines forth (Guru Granth Sahib Ji: 13).

Individual Sikhs and the community treat the texts as revelation guiding them to the One and/or as a series of spiritual commentaries on religious experience and/or as a Living Embodiment of the Shabad written into the universe and each soul.

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