For ITT Providers

We partner with a number of Higher Education Institutions and School Direct/SCITT providers to:
Promote RE / Religion and Worldviews teaching

We have information on becoming an RE Teacher, including a recording of a webinar which tock place on 27th March 2023 where current RE teachers shared what its like to have a career beyond the ordinary and the different routes into teaching. You can find all the information here.

Support the beginner teacher in primary schools

We have three courses designed for Primary ITE students and ECTs. These courses are free. Students will study by themselves, with a peer or as part of a group to supplement any RE input received on training. The courses could be monitored by a course tutor or mentor, or managed individually.

The courses provide initial, essential information about the subject and signpost future avenues of support and research. They are designed to complement the RE/ Religion and Worldviews input beginner teachers receive as part of their teacher training.

The three courses are:

1: Introduction to Religion and worldviews

2: Teaching and Learning for Primary Beginning Teachers

3: Subject knowledge for Primary Beginning Teachers 

Support primary ITT tutors with plans and resources

Culham St. Gabriel Trust funded a project to investigate what could be creatively and successfully taught and learned in 12 hours’ provision for primary beginner teachers. The result of this project is a practical toolkit for ITT tutors. The toolkit is freely available for all to use and can be found here. If you do use the toolkit we would value your feedback, please email us at