RExChange 2024

Friday 18th -Saturday 19th October 2024
This is a free virtual event and will take place via Zoom
Register to attend

Provisional Programme

Please note there is no pre-allocation of seminar choices. Delegates will choose which sessions to attend on the day. A detailed brochure will be published prior to the event.

Friday 18th October

1pm Welcome, keynote and Q&A – Researching worldview communities
Keynotes Panel Speakers confirmed:
Dr Jasjit Singh, Associate Professor, University of Leeds
Chine McDonald, Director, Theos Think Tank
Dr Iona Hine and/or Dr Anastasia Badder, Cambridge Interfaith Programme

2pm Break

2.15pm Seminar 1 Choices

  1. Jan McGuire, Sally Giovanelli, Jack Robertson and Dr David Robertson: Taking the ‘high level’ research of Ann Taves to the classroom
  2. Jemma Brown: The National Content Standard: Creating an exemplar Key Stage 3 Toolkit
  3. Dr Lucy Peacock and Professor Matthew Guest: Worldviews and interfaith readiness: The school to university transition
  4. Agnes Slusarska: Raising engagement and quality of discussion in A level religious Studies
  5. Stacey Burman, Amy Ark, Carrie Alderton and Dr Anastasia Badder: How can we engage parents in our pupils’ learning?
  6. Trevor Cooling: What do we mean by knowledge in RE?

3pm Break

3.15 pm Seminar 2 Choices

  1. Dr Emma Salter: Personal knowledge in RE/Religion and Worldviews: By teachers, for teachers
  2. Dr Elizabeth Philips and Peach Hoyle: Research and engagement: the making of Woolf Institute’s Key Stage 3 interfaith resources
  3. Dr Nigel Fancourt: Is Humanism compulsory in RE? Current law and human rights
  4. Ruth Marx: The Lived Worldviews of Tower Hamlets Project – can local resources have a national appeal?
  5. Claire Clinton: Tackling religious and worldview stereotypes in the RE Classroom
  6. Jane Yates: A culture of untranslatability in the RE classroom
  7. Jas Jacques Butterworth: The Gender Gap in Religious Studies: Why does it happen?

4pm Break

4.15pm Seminar 3 Choices

  1. Beth Eades: Using debating to teach argument and evaluation in GCSE Religious Studies
  2. Gillian Georgiou, Sally Brooman, Julie Childs, Georgina Foxcroft, Victoria Hammond and Claire Hearth: ‘Getting better’ in RE: teacher research in primary classrooms
  3. Dr Heather Marshall: Supporting divergent worldviews in the RE classroom
  4. Helena Moore: Teaching of religious attitude to same-sex relationships in religious studies
  5. Ian Coles: Faith visitors in schools: lessons from master’s research
  6. Dr David Lewin and Dr Kate Christopher: What’s next for RE? A Framework for a religion and worldviews curriculum
  7. Dr Stefanie Sinclair, Dr John Maiden, Dr Katelin Teller and Professor John Woolfe: Creative learning with history through filmmaking: Religious toleration and peace (RETOPEA)

5.00pm Break

5.15pm Three parallel ‘In Conversation’ sessions
A: Stephen Pett and Gillian Georgiou with be in conversation about the religion and worldviews approach handbook and frameworks
B: Rob and Giles Freathy will be in conversation about the RE-searchers project
C Adam Robertson (OAK National Academy) and Fiona Moss will be in conversation

6pm Close of first session

Saturday 19th October

9am Welcome and recap

9.15am Seminar 4 Choices

  1. Evie Atherton: Development of literacy for Key Stage 4 pupils in the religious studies classroom
  2. Louisa Jane Smith: Fostering curiosity in the RE classroom
  3. Dr Martha Shaw and Alexis Stones: Understanding the interplay: Education, worldviews and lived citizenship
  4. Nadia Nadeem and Krys McInnis: Research and communities of practice as drivers of professional development
  5. Ryan Parker: Primary pupils can! A richer encounter with parables
  6. Justine Ball: Developing child voice in RE in EYFS and Key Stage 1
  7. Oli Aston: Supporting disadvantaged students in RE: How can we do it?

10am Break

10.15am Keynote Session with Q&A AI – Disciplinary perspectives on AI. What does it mean for knowledge in the religion and worldviews classroom?
Keynote Panel Speakers confirmed:
Professor Beth Singler, Assistant Professor in Digital Religion(s), University of Zurich
Dr Chris Cotter, Lecturer in Sociology and Religious Studies, The Open University
Dr Michael Burdett, Assistant Professor of Christian Theology, University of Nottingham

11.15am Break

11.30am Three Parallel Panel Discussions
A: University- School Links-what works! Join with Tim Hutchings, Rachael Jackson-Royal, Hayley Ellen and Paul Tremlett.
B: Freedom of Religion or Belief. Join with Josh Cass, Katie Freeman, Rachel Buckby and Lynn Revell
C: Making an impact! Why researching religion and worldviews matters. Join with Justine Ball, Saima Saleh, Selina Stone and Matt Pitcher

12.30pm Plenary and end of conference reflections by steering group

1pm Conference ends

Register to attend

Sponsored by CULHAM ST GABRIEL'S TRUST and Templeton World Charity Foundation Big Questions in Classrooms. Supported by AREIAC, AULRE, NASACRE, NATRE, REC and TRS UK