Sikh Religious Authority in a Digital World

September 2022

Dr Jasjit Singh

In this video Dr Jasjit Singh talks about the impact of the online environment on Sikhs in diaspora and how the online environment impacts on religion and particularly on religious authority. Questions raised include:

  • What role does the internet play in religious transmission and learning? What can people do now that they couldn’t do before?
  • How does different digital tools present different types of information about religion? Are there different types of religious authority?
  • Think about issues of translation, and what might be lost when simply imposing meanings from English / Christianity on to non-Christian worldviews – e.g. the word Gurdwara. Emphasises the importance of the Guru for Sikhs, unlike ‘Sikh Temple’ which doesn’t.
  • How might family background and religious affiliation impact on online engagement.

You can find a research report here on RE:ONLINE summarising Jasjit’s research with links to the original articles.