Subject Knowledge for Teachers – Apocalyptic and Millenarian Thinking

February 2023

This month we consider an aspect of religion and worldviews that does not receive much attention, although it is an important dimension of our subject. This is apocalyptic and millenarian thinking. You have probably heard the word ‘apocalypse’, referring to the end of the world. Less familiar is the term ‘millenarian’ thinking, which describes the expectation of a thousand years of Jesus’ reign on earth, or a Golden Age of justice, before the world comes to an end. A lot of what we explore in the classroom, whether the idea of an afterlife, the kingdom of God or divine judgment, contains elements of apocalyptic or millenarian thinking.

Read a blog by Dr Alastair Lockhart, academic director of the Centre for Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements, who sets out in more detail why this is an important aspect of our subject knowledge: What is Millenarian Thinking and Why is it Important for RE Teachers?

We present three articles from a Dictionary of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CDAMM), two are on apocalyptic and millenarian worldviews to clarify the language and underlying ideas. The third is an intriguing example of modern apocalyptic thinking around technology and artificial intelligence. You can browse the dictionary yourself for your wider interest.

Don’t be put off if you teach younger children and do not plan to introduce this mode of thinking to them. Read this as an adult and educator. This offers you a way to make sense of apocalyptic thinking for yourself and improve your understanding of the subject matter of Religion and Worldviews. When we explore stories or religious beliefs with pupils referring to heaven, judgement or the possibility of an afterlife, this is all millenarian thinking. You can be aware of this, even if you do not teach this. In fact, with your enhanced subject knowledge you will be able to answer pupils’ questions around these sorts of topics with confidence. Apocalyptic and millenarian thinking offers a way to frame a key aspect of our subject knowledge.

For resource of the month:
What is ‘millenarianism’?
What is the ‘apocalypse’?
Technology and Artificial Intelligence

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